In Iraq, Women Build Resistance in Their Everyday Lives
Teeba Saad analyzes the impacts of decades of war and the challenges posed to equality

Poster Gallery for the Right to Abortion
Check out the virtual gallery produced in a Capire-People’s Forum partnership

8 Key Points to Build Grassroots Feminist Communications
Valentina Machado, of Real World Radio, shares her views on feminist communications and the efforts toward the alliance between grassroots movements

Maria Adosinda: A Life Dedicated to Feminist Struggles in Africa
Read the story of Maria Adosinda, a Mozambican feminist militant who was dedicated to fighting violence and exploitation

Community radio: a tool for feminism in Sri Lanka’s rural areas
Anuka de Silva shared her experiences on popular communications during Capire’s feminism and communications webinar

When a Quilombola Woman Falls, the Quilombo Rises With Her
Quilombola women share their organizing experiences and their priorities in the struggle in Brazil

Check Out the Virtual Gallery “Artists for Food Sovereignty,” by La Via Campesina
22 artists from across the world depict the struggles for Food Sovereignty in 30 years of La Via Campesina

Community-based Communications in Cuba: Experiences of Liberation
Read the contribution of Marilys Zayas to the discussion on grassroots feminist communication strategies