Demilitarization Palestine Abeer Abu Khdeir: Israeli Forces Are Attacking Palestine Every Minute 10/19/23Capire The feminist activist shares her concerns about the attacks in Gaza and Jerusalem, but also her assurance in the Palestinian resistance for freedom
Demilitarization Palestine Yasmeen El-Hasan: “Israel is a colonial occupier” 05/03/23Capire Feminism, youth and peasants resistances in Palestine are the subjects of this interview with the Union of Agricultural Work Committees’ activist
Demilitarization Palestine Palestinian Women’s Organizations Struggling for Freedom 09/13/22By Tahreer Jaber The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees deffends its historical role in confronting the Israeli ocupation
Environmental justice Palestine The Settle Colonial Project Of Israel Over Palestinian Waters 05/27/22By Rama Sabanekh Taking Palestinian rivers and territories is a violent domination strategy of Israel. This article is also available in Arabic
Demilitarization Environmental justice Palestine Palestinian Women and Territorial Sovereignty 03/30/22By Khitam Saafin On This Palestinian Land Day, we publish the translation of an article by the leader Khitam Saafin on the struggle for land. Also available in Arabic
Demilitarization Palestine Palestinian Land Day: These Lands Belong to The Women 03/30/22By Capire The documents published by the memory institution Khazaaen attest women's lands titles in Palestine
Demilitarization Palestine Fighting for Free Palestine Cannot Be a Crime: Grassroots Movements Around the World Organize Solidarity 11/24/21By Capire Read an excerpt from the declaration against the classification of Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorists”
Environmental justice Palestine Palestine Women Defending Water, Land, and Life from the Israeli Occupation 11/08/21By Abeer Al Butmeh Abeer Al Butmeh from Friends of The Earth Palestine denounces the Israeli occupation and exploitation of natural resources
Feminist economy Palestine Palestinian Women Between Poverty and the Struggle 06/24/21By World March of Women MENA Fighting the exploitation of labor, poverty, and colonialism are feminist issues.
Demilitarization Palestine Solidarity To Build A Free Palestine 06/07/21By Capire Internationalist solidarity is grassroots strategy to end Israeli occupation