Food sovereignty Agroforestry, Feminism, Agroecology: Interweaving Women’s Knowledge and Practices 05/16/22By Capire Women in agroecology and agroforestry in Brazil sow diversity and collective organizing
Feminist economy Transformative Economies From a Feminist Perspective 05/10/22By Capire Check out the new book by the Latin American Network Women Transforming the Economy, featuring analysis and accumulated knowledge
ALBA Assembly Movement Grassroots Communicators In Action: Experiences of Convergence 05/06/22By Capire Women who took part in the 3th Continental Assembly of ALBA share reflections and stories about grassroots communications
ALBA Assembly Feminist economy Movement Coverage: Women Workers Marching in Argentina 05/01/22By Capire Check out the photo gallery with pictures of May 1, Workers’ Day, in Argentina
ALBA Assembly Movement ALBA Movements: Peoples of Nuestra América Building Regional Integration 04/30/22By Capire The principles and practices of grassroots feminist integration driven by ALBA Movements
Food sovereignty Silvia Ribeiro: “No one can live without food” 04/22/22By Capire Read the interview with Silvia Ribeiro on agriculture 4.0 and agri-food transnational corporations’ power in the podcast Feminist Rage
Environmental justice Wind Parks and Women’s Resistance in Brazil 04/20/22By Capire Video features women farmers from Northeast Brazil denouncing the impacts of wind power generation on their lives and territories
Food sovereignty Paraguay: Prolonged Struggles Against Eviction and Imprisonment of Indigenous and Peasant Peoples 04/11/22By Alicia Amarilla, Bernarda Pesoa and Perla Álvarez Conamuri militants denounce the criminalization of those who struggle for land rights in Paraguay and report on resistance experiences
Demilitarization “I Write to You, Colombia”: Letters in Solidarity With a People Who Resists 03/29/22By Capire Read an excerpt from the e-book “I Write to You, Colombia,” published by the Alliance for Solidarity, Resistance, and Hope
Demilitarization Cindy Wiesner: “the U.S. movements are calling for no to war” 03/25/22By Capire Read the interview with the GGJ executive director about the role of the U.S. power on imperialism and wars