Tereza de Benguela: Hail to Black women’s struggle and resistance
Learn about the story and strength of a quilombola who is a reference for the Black women movement in Brazil.

Black transfeminism, an anticolonial and anticapitalist struggle
Read and hear M. Adams’ article about the about Black transfeminisms confrontating the colonialist system of opressions

Data, Algorithm, “Artificial” Intelligence: What’s Wrong With That?
Data storage and control by big corporations have become a resource for more exploitation, racism, and gender discrimination.

“Rafiki”, a movie about love between women
Read about Kenyan director Wanuri Kahiu's feature film that portrays a lesbian relationship in a neighborhood in Nairobi.

Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Our Struggle Is Bigger Than Our Silence
The LGBTQIA+ struggles against neoliberalism and conservatism are paths to autonomy and feminist social change.

LGBTQIA+ Peasants in Struggle: Free Our Land, Free Our Bodies
Building practices for liberation and tackling LGBTQIA-phobia in rural areas are ongoing processes in La Via Campesina.

#FeministSchool: Feminist Economy Is a Proposal and Strategy for Movement Building
Feminist economy and movement building were the focus of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School on June 21st and 22nd.

Palestinian Women Between Poverty and the Struggle
Fighting the exploitation of labor, poverty, and colonialism are feminist issues.