Surveillance in the Territories: What Is Agriculture 4.0?
Watch the new animated film by Tecla Network to learn about the threats of agriculture 4.0 and how peasant women are resisting it through agroecological practices.

Lessons From the Struggle Against the FTAA: Continental Unity To Fight Free Trade
Grassroots movements from the Americas have accumulated experiences and a history of struggles for sovereignty and integration.

Building a Binding Treaty for Transnationals is a Feminist Struggle
Women are the most harshly affected by the power of transnational corporations; but they are also the ones primarily resisting it.

El Salvador Against Bitcoin, the Poverty of Many, and the Economy for the Few
Large grassroots marches reject president Nayib Bukele’s anti-democratic and neoliberal bid. Read the report by activist Ana Isabel López

Feminist Peace Initiative: “The only green solution to the military is to not have it”
Kitzia Esteva talked to Capire about how grassroots organizations are connecting to fight U.S. military interventions worldwide

Palestine Women Defending Water, Land, and Life from the Israeli Occupation
Abeer Al Butmeh from Friends of The Earth Palestine denounces the Israeli occupation and exploitation of natural resources

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen: Poetry and Revolution
November 6th is the birthday of the Portuguese poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

Al Khadra: “Nobody Taught Me How To Be a Poet”
We publish a translated poem by Al Khadra, an acclaimed name of Sahrawi poetry in defense of self-determination