Movement #FeministSchool: Political Education in Movement To Change the World 07/16/21By Capire Building diverse political actors and internationalist alliances epitomizes the political action of grassroots feminism
Movement Carlota: Liberation Struggle Against Slavery 07/15/21By Marilys Zayas Shuman This is a story of amassing power and courage, as part of the Cuban heritage of rebelliousness against oppression
Movement Tereza de Benguela: Hail to Black women’s struggle and resistance 07/09/21By Marli Aguiar Learn about the story and strength of a quilombola who is a reference for the Black women movement in Brazil.
Movement #FeministSchool: Feminist Economy Is a Proposal and Strategy for Movement Building 06/25/21By Capire Feminist economy and movement building were the focus of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School on June 21st and 22nd.
Movement Louise Michel and the Women of the Paris Commune 05/29/21Translated from portuguese by Aline Scátola. On May 29th, we celebrate Louise Michel’s 191st birthday.
Movement Chile: Feminist, Rebellious, Constituent Territory 05/26/21By Danixa Navarro and Rocío Alorda What is happening in Chile after the victory of the left and social movements in the Constitutional Convention election
Demilitarization Movement Colombia: Mobilization Continues To Grow 05/19/21By Radio Mundo Real After decades of armed conflict, “the social conflict remains intact,” says Marylen Serna, of the Peoples’ Congress.
Movement Poster Gallery: Anti-Imperialist Feminism To Change the World 05/01/21By Capire, IPA, and International Week of Anti-imperialist Struggle On May 1, 2021, we are launching a new virtual gallery with posters created by 24 people and collectives from 12 different parts of the world.
Demilitarization Movement Feminist Infographics Against Racism and Colonialism 04/22/21By Capire Check out the materials produced in the Basque Country for the 5th International Action of the World March of Women.
Movement #FeministSchool: To Understand and Tackle Systems of Oppression 04/21/21By Capire, with contributions by Gina Alfonso Colonialist, heteropatriarchal, and racist capitalism: overlaps that exploit and subjugate the peoples