Food sovereignty Declaration of Peasant Rights: An Instrument in the Struggle for Land 12/20/22By Capire Now that the Declaration completes 4 years, read about some achievements and challenges of the peasant movement to implement it #LVC30Years #PeasantRightsNow
Environmental justice Morgan Ody: “The way to the future is a society with food sovereignty” 09/09/22By Capire The general coordinator of La Via Campesina talked about the struggles against WTO and the path to food sovereignty
Movement Translate and Transform: The Role of Translation in Building Internationalist Feminism 08/26/22By Aline Scátola Translator Aline Scátola shares reflections on the political role of indirect translation in women’s joint organizing efforts and their knowledge
Autonomy Poster Gallery for the Right to Abortion 08/04/22By Capire and People’s Forum Check out the virtual gallery produced in a Capire-People’s Forum partnership
Movement 8 Key Points to Build Grassroots Feminist Communications 08/02/22By Valentina Machado Valentina Machado, of Real World Radio, shares her views on feminist communications and the efforts toward the alliance between grassroots movements
Demilitarization Claudia de la Cruz: “In the US, You Can’t Have Free Health Care, But They Can Fund a War” 07/11/22By Capire Read or listen to the interview with Claudia de la Cruz about Black, feminist, and anti-war struggles in the United States
Movement Feminism and Internationalism in Venezuela: Alexandra Kollontai Brigade 07/06/22By Capire Women from several parts of the world joined the Feminist Brigade and shared experiences of struggle
Movement In the Americas, the Summit Is of the Peoples, Not Imperialism 06/10/22By Capire Grassroots movements met in the US against the Summit of the Americas and stood up for sovereignty and people power
Movement Llanisca Lugo: “Integration Is Key to Sovereignty” 06/07/22By Capire Llanisca Lugo on the pathways toward regional integration in the Americas
ALBA Assembly Movement Grassroots Communicators In Action: Experiences of Convergence 05/06/22By Capire Women who took part in the 3th Continental Assembly of ALBA share reflections and stories about grassroots communications