Movement International Women’s Day: feminist voices to change the world 03/08/22By Capire Video brings messages from women who mobilize the feminist movement in their territories and regions around the world
Feminist economy A year of the Feminist School: e-book brings together theoretical and methodological backups 03/04/22By Capire Read an excerpt from “Systems of oppression on women’s lives”, part of Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School's curriculum.
Movement #RedBooksDay | Flora Tristán: writing to emancipate the women and peoples of the world 02/21/22By Capire Read an excerpt from the book “The Workers’ Union,” published in 1843, four years before the Communist Manifesto.
Feminist economy Anti-capitalism to Dismantle Corporate Power, Precarious Work and Digital Market 01/31/22By Avantika Tewari Avantika Tewari From IT for Change Talked About What It Takes to Dismantle the New Presentations of Capitalism Worldwide
Environmental justice Digitalization and Agribusiness: Big Tech Exploiting Nature 01/24/22By Capire Read an excerpt from the dossier on big technology transnationals published by the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Reasearch
Movement Yildiz Temürtürkan: “transforming our grassroots feminist vision into action” 01/11/22By Capire Capire talked to Yildiz Temürtürkan, international coordinator of the World March of Women, about the movement’s history and challenges.
Autonomy Demilitarization Environmental justice Feminist economy Food sovereignty Movement One Year Echoing Feminist Voices To Change the World 01/06/22Capire Capire is turning one; check out what we have shared about and learned from international feminist resistance
Environmental justice COP26: The Climate Business Is Not the Answer for the Climate Crisis 12/07/21By Natália Lobo Big corporations orchestrate false solutions based on green economy at the UN climate change conference.
Environmental justice Building a Binding Treaty for Transnationals is a Feminist Struggle 11/17/21By Júlia Garcia, Letícia Paranhos and Tchenna Maso Women are the most harshly affected by the power of transnational corporations; but they are also the ones primarily resisting it.
Movement Grassroots Feminisms and the Transnational Struggles of the World March of Women 10/27/21By Carmen Díaz The World March of Women’s repertoire of action and reflection to build an anti-racist, anti-systemic, and grassroots feminism.