Women Resist Land Grabbing and Free Zone in Haiti
Feminist farm school faces threat from Coca-Cola monoculture.

The Challenges of Grassroots Feminism in Arab Countries
Ten years after the “Arab spring,” Souad Mahmoud reflects on women’s living conditions and struggle as they face conservatism and instrumentalization.

Grassroots Feminism in Face of the Brutality and False Diversity of Capital
Read and listen to the words of Claudia de la Cruz, of the International Peoples’ Assembly, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar

Grassroots Organizing To Tackle Life-Threatening Systemic Crises
Read and listen to the words of Karin Nansen, chair of Friends of the Earth International, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar.

#FeministSchool: Launch Celebrates the Legacy of Berta Cáceres
Online event paid tribute to women’s struggles in their territories and illustrated the importance of education for grassroots feminist international organizing.

Popular Peasant Feminism: We Have a New World To Build in Our Hands
Read and listen to the words of Yolanda Areas Blass, of La Via Campesina, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar, as part of the preparations for March 8.

Call for Posters: Anti-Imperialist Feminism To Change the World
Women from all over the world can create and submit posters by April 15th. Selected works will be included in a feminist virtual gallery that will be launched on May 1st.

Feminist Struggle for Freedom and Sovereignty in Palestine
This is an edited version of a speech Khitam Saafin gave in October 2020. Khitam is currently detained by the Israeli occupation. Free Khitam!