Women on TV: Strategies to Broadcast Feminism in Ghana
Ama Pratt shared her experiences at Pan African TV during Capire’s feminism and communications webinar

Claudia de la Cruz: “In the US, You Can’t Have Free Health Care, But They Can Fund a War”
Read or listen to the interview with Claudia de la Cruz about Black, feminist, and anti-war struggles in the United States

Lorraine Guay, Our Sister in Struggle
"Not alone, never alone, always together": activists pay tribute to one of the founders of the World March of Women

Feminism and Internationalism in Venezuela: Alexandra Kollontai Brigade
Women from several parts of the world joined the Feminist Brigade and shared experiences of struggle

Honduras: Feminist Caravan Occupies Garifuna Territory with Art and Memory
Caravan held activities in defense of land and the memory of the forcibly disappeared

The Constitutional Crisis in Sri Lanka and the Struggles for a New Government
Read Nalini Rathnarajah’s article on how this crisis began and its effects on women's lives

Ecuador: A Wounded Country Breaks Out Again
Struggling against neoliberalism, Indigenous, peasant, and grassroots resistance takes to the streets and faces repression

LGBTQIA+ Pride and Resistance in Grassroots Movements
Watch a video with statements from three LGBTQIA+ grassroots militants about the agendas of struggles in their countries and movements