Women in the Front Line of the Land Rights Movement in Morocco
Women defend their land and community against the brutality of capitalism in inland Morocco. Also available in Arabic.

There Is No Place for Justice and Equality on the Free Trade Agenda
Transnational corporations and free trade agreements hide behind sustainability and gender equality discourses to increase the power of the market over life.

Breaking the Line that Binds Poverty and Women in Iraq
The World March of Women Iraq offers a reflection on neoliberalism, oppression against women, and poverty.

Feminism in Mozambique: For Land, Freedom, Sisterhood, and a Life Free of Violence
Nzira Deus exposes land encroachment and violence in Mozambique and shares feminist strategies toward organizing for change.

The Challenges of Grassroots Feminism in Arab Countries
Ten years after the “Arab spring,” Souad Mahmoud reflects on women’s living conditions and struggle as they face conservatism and instrumentalization.

Grassroots Feminism in Face of the Brutality and False Diversity of Capital
Read and listen to the words of Claudia de la Cruz, of the International Peoples’ Assembly, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar

Grassroots Organizing To Tackle Life-Threatening Systemic Crises
Read and listen to the words of Karin Nansen, chair of Friends of the Earth International, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar.

Popular Peasant Feminism: We Have a New World To Build in Our Hands
Read and listen to the words of Yolanda Areas Blass, of La Via Campesina, from her contribution at the “Challenges of Grassroots Feminism” Webinar, as part of the preparations for March 8.