Movement The Constitutional Crisis in Sri Lanka and the Struggles for a New Government 07/01/22By Nalini Rathnarajah Read Nalini Rathnarajah’s article on how this crisis began and its effects on women's lives
Movement Feminist Schools: Grassroots Education for Organizing 06/14/22By Capire The developments of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School in the Balkans, the Americas, and facilitator training
Movement In the Americas, the Summit Is of the Peoples, Not Imperialism 06/10/22By Capire Grassroots movements met in the US against the Summit of the Americas and stood up for sovereignty and people power
Movement Llanisca Lugo: “Integration Is Key to Sovereignty” 06/07/22By Capire Llanisca Lugo on the pathways toward regional integration in the Americas
Movement “Women,” by Mafalda Galdames 06/03/22By Capire Poem by Mafalda Galdames speaks to women’s struggles and lives
Movement Challenges Facing Feminism: Liberal Co-optation and Conservative Attacks 06/02/22By Nalu Faria A huge challenge facing grassroots feminism is to globally and more strongly confront the current model and propose a vision for a new society
ALBA Assembly Feminist economy Movement Argentina: Women in Movement Sustain Life in Rural and Urban Areas 05/18/22By Capire Meet the experiences of women who organize care and solidarity in their territories
ALBA Assembly Movement Grassroots Communicators In Action: Experiences of Convergence 05/06/22By Capire Women who took part in the 3th Continental Assembly of ALBA share reflections and stories about grassroots communications
ALBA Assembly Feminist economy Movement Coverage: Women Workers Marching in Argentina 05/01/22By Capire Check out the photo gallery with pictures of May 1, Workers’ Day, in Argentina
ALBA Assembly Movement ALBA Movements: Peoples of Nuestra América Building Regional Integration 04/30/22By Capire The principles and practices of grassroots feminist integration driven by ALBA Movements