
The movement is both what organizes us and what we organize. In movement, we build anti-capitalist, anti-racist feminism. And we create collective syntheses, change the present, and point the way to the future.


Lorraine Guay, Our Sister in Struggle

Lorraine Guay, Our Sister in Struggle

Por Michèle Asselin, Gisèle Bourret, Nancy Burrows, Claudette Carbonneau, Nicole Caron, Emilia Castro, Céline Cyr, Ana María Seghezzo D’Urbano, Françoise David, Louise Desmarais, Pascale Dufour, Zahia El-Masri, Ariane Émond, Élisabeth Garant, Yara El-Ghadban, Élisabeth Germain, Lise Gervais, Hélène Gobeil, Marjolaine Goudreau, Vivian Labrie, Nicole Lacelle, Diane Lamoureux, Anne Latendresse, Marie Leclerc, Avigaël Lévy, Suzanne Loiselle, Chantal Locat, Marlihan Lopez, Manon Massé, Diane Matte, Maguy Métellus, Viviane Michel, Francine Néméh, Amélie Nguyen, Miriam Nobre, Anne Pasquier, Alexandra Pierre, Myrlande Pierre, Pierrette Richard, Julie Raby, Judy Rebick, Mercédez Roberge, Lourdes Rodriguez Del Barrio e Michèle Rouleau.

"Not alone, never alone, always together": activists pay tribute to one of the founders of the World March of Women