End Hunger, End the WTO: The Peasant Caravan to Geneva Against Free Trade
What is at stake for global free trade according to La Via Campesina leaders

Feminist Schools: Grassroots Education for Organizing
The developments of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School in the Balkans, the Americas, and facilitator training

In the Americas, the Summit Is of the Peoples, Not Imperialism
Grassroots movements met in the US against the Summit of the Americas and stood up for sovereignty and people power

Llanisca Lugo: “Integration Is Key to Sovereignty”
Llanisca Lugo on the pathways toward regional integration in the Americas

“Women,” by Mafalda Galdames
Poem by Mafalda Galdames speaks to women’s struggles and lives

Challenges Facing Feminism: Liberal Co-optation and Conservative Attacks
A huge challenge facing grassroots feminism is to globally and more strongly confront the current model and propose a vision for a new society

How Have the Forests of “Israel” Swallowed Our Unpopulated Land?
Articles explains the environmental hypocrisy of the State of Israel as a strategy to dominate Palestinian lands

The Settle Colonial Project Of Israel Over Palestinian Waters
Taking Palestinian rivers and territories is a violent domination strategy of Israel. This article is also available in Arabic