Movement Continental Schools of Women: Strategy for Political Education and Feminist Struggle by La Via Campesina 10/30/24Capire The Continental Schools organized by La Via Campesina’s International Articulation of Women empower peasant popular feminism
Food sovereignty 6th Women’s Assembly of La Via Campesina: “We Bring Lifeblood To This Movement” 12/08/23By Capire The Women’s Assembly took place during the 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina and is a space to push feminism forward in the organization
Food sovereignty La Via Campesina Women in International Political Education: Watch 06/30/23Capire Video features what happened at the 1st La Via Campesina Women School held in March this year
Food sovereignty The Historical Role of the Women of La Via Campesina in the Current Crisis 01/19/23Capire Read Geum-Soon Yoon’s speech on women’s strength to boost systemic changes
Food sovereignty Movement The Vital Force of the Women of La Via Campesina 11/22/22By Nettie Wiebe Women’s organizing experience in the first years of building La Via Campesina #LVC30Years
Food sovereignty For a Popular Peasant Feminism: The Journey of CLOC-La Via Campesina 09/02/22By Iridiani Graciele Seibert, Lizandra Guedes and Kelli Mafort Militants explain the perspective of popular peasant feminism and how it has been built within La Via Campesina’s organizing processes
Movement Check Out the Virtual Gallery “Artists for Food Sovereignty,” by La Via Campesina 07/22/22By Capire 22 artists from across the world depict the struggles for Food Sovereignty in 30 years of La Via Campesina
Environmental justice Strike Against the AntaKori Mining Project: Peruvian Women and Communities Resist 02/02/22By Aurora Portal, Lourdes Contreras e Rosa Rivero The pathways of resistance in a strike called by peasant and Indigenous organizations from northern Peru
Movement The Peoples of the World Against Wars and Genocides 12/21/24Capire How Popular Movements Are Calling Out Imperialist Tactics at the G20 Summit
Demilitarization Impacts of the Israeli Genocidal War In Palestinian Women’s Lives 12/20/24Samah Abu Nima A Palestinian militant of La Via Campesina denounces violences and human rights violations of Israel in Gaza