Living Memory: The World March of Women International Meetings
See in this gallery pictures and experiences of the World March of Women

Internationalist Feminism In Solidarity To Overthrow Authoritarianism
Nalu Faria discusses authoritarianism, which has been afflicting the world with control strategies, escalation of precarious conditions of life, and exploitation of labor and nature.

“Stevia,” by Helena Zelic
Poem voices criticism against Coca-Cola’s land expropriation and production model.

#FeministSchool: Political Education in Movement To Change the World
Building diverse political actors and internationalist alliances epitomizes the political action of grassroots feminism

#FeministSchool: Feminist Economy Is a Proposal and Strategy for Movement Building
Feminist economy and movement building were the focus of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organizing School on June 21st and 22nd.

Feminist Economy, a Contribution for the Cuban Social Model
Teresa Lara Junco looks into the work carried out by Cuban women and proposes a feminist agenda for the economy

Chile: Feminist, Rebellious, Constituent Territory
What is happening in Chile after the victory of the left and social movements in the Constitutional Convention election

#FeministSchool: In Defense of Mother Earth
Experiences of Indigenous, Black, and peasant organizing and resistance are the basis of feminist political education