Movement March 8, 2000, a Day To Remember 03/08/23Capire Looking back on the launch of the World March of Women and its internationalist feminist agenda
Feminist economy What is a Feminist Economy? Watch the Animated Videos 02/28/23By Friends of Earth International Two new videos expose principles to build feminist economy into the social movements agenda
Environmental justice Biodiversity Collapse: Corporate Battles at COP15 01/27/23By Lilian Roizman and Natália Lobo Grassroots movements are fundamental to ensure the sustainability of life, defend nature and the people who live in it
Autonomy Demilitarization Environmental justice Feminist economy Food sovereignty Movement 2022: Women From Around the World Marched for Peace, Democracy, and Sovereignty 12/22/22Capire An overview on the content published by Capire in 2022
Food sovereignty What is the industrial digital agriculture and why is that a threat to food sovereignty? 12/14/22By Verónica Villa Read ETC Group member Verónica Villa’s speech on how digital food chains work
Environmental justice Food sovereignty What Questions Must Be Asked to Challenge Corporate Technological Development? 12/10/22By Karin Nansen Read Karin Nansen’s speech on the importance of conducting a social assessment of technologies to build food sovereignty
Food sovereignty Women Building Food, Technological, and Energy Sovereignty 12/06/22By Capire Watch a video featuring reflections by militants of the World March of Women and ally movements
Autonomy For the Elimination of Violence Against Women: Action Area of the World March of Women 11/25/22By Capire Feminist militants from Europe, Asia, and the Americas talk about the challenges facing the struggle against violence today
Food sovereignty Movement The Vital Force of the Women of La Via Campesina 11/22/22By Nettie Wiebe Women’s organizing experience in the first years of building La Via Campesina #LVC30Years
Food sovereignty When will we have food guidelines without patriarchy? 10/31/22By Paola Romero Niño Paola Romero Niño talks about the struggle for the right to food for women, girls and non-heteronormative people