Feminist School in Honduras: Action, Reflection, Alliance, Trust
International Feminist Organizing School (IFOS) brought together more than 100 women from the Americas for a special edition

Jodie Evans: “We Just Kept Being the Women Calling Out for Peace”
Read the interview with CODEPINK’s co-founder on the challenges to end US war policy

The fight for abolition and decarceration is an environmental fight
Read and listen to the interview with Siwatu-Salama Ra and Roxanne Lawson from the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ)

Margaridas Marching in Latin America’s Largest Women’s Mobilization
Watch the video with scenes from the 2023 Margaridas’ March

Hair as a Political Space of Discipline
Jana Nakhal discusses the political aspects of hair and the surveillance of women and queer people’s bodies

Against Impunity in Mining, Empowering the People Affected by Dams as Political Actors
A militant with the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAR) on the resistance against mining in the Americas, especially Brazil, against Vale

Forgotten Toilers: Women Working in the Informal Economy in Tunisia
Souad Mahmoud writes about the social vulnerability and hardship of Tunisian women workers in the informal economy

Miriam Makeba, A Voice for African Women’s Struggles
This July 31st, African Women’s Day, we bring together statements by WMW militants from Africa about Miriam Makeba’s struggle and career