Sanaa Seif: “You Have to Fight for Everything, for Every Small Right”
Read and listen to the interview with the Egyptian activist in defense of democracy and against political imprisonment

Sehjo Singh: “Caste system needs the patriarchy to remain strong”
In India, deforestation and patriarchy walk together, so feminism and ecology must be build together too

Rejane Medeiros: “We don’t shape the revolution by ourselves”
Medeiros is a feminist activist from Northeastern Brazil. She talks about the fight for economic autonomy and advocates for territories

Dilemmas of Humanity: Advancing towards building a feminist socialism
Debates during the Dilemmas of Humanity Conference reflect upon feminism and the anti-patriarchal struggle to build socialism around the world

A Digital Security Help Line by Feminists From Brazil
Feminist organization MariaLab offers emergency digital security services to women, LGBT+ people, and Latin American organizations

Feminist Alternatives to the Dilemmas of Humanity: Challenging Capitalism in the Present
Read a speech delivered during the Dilemmas of Humanity Conference about the internationalist strategies for anti-capitalist organization

Phakamile Hlubi-Majola (South Africa): “Our Ideology as a Trade Union is Rooted in Socialism”
Read and listen to the interview with the member of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)

Nalu Faria: An Extraordinary Socialist Feminist
Beyond speeches and great narratives, Nalu liked to be there in actual strategic building processes, sitting in circles, building syntheses, consensus, organization, and struggle.