Euskal Herria: Revolutionize Care to Change Everything
Women from the Basque Country are in permanent campaign for feminist care policies

Internationalist Feminism: Women’s Many Struggles Around the World
WMW militants in Africa and Asia reflect on the construction of feminism in their countries

Fear of Women’s Bodies, Fear of Freedom
Fatma Benmefteh addresses the patriarchal control over women in Tunisia

The Stuggles For Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women In United States
May 5th is action day to end violence against Indigenous women in the United States

May Fourth Movement and Women’s Emancipation in China
Movement against imperialism and feudalism is regarded as a new awakening for the Chinese people

Yasmeen El-Hasan: “Israel is a colonial occupier”
Feminism, youth and peasants resistances in Palestine are the subjects of this interview with the Union of Agricultural Work Committees’ activist

Clarissa Mendoza: “Women in the Philippines continuously fight for their lands”
The militant of the Movement for Agrarian Reform and Social Justice talks about land policies and the women’s resistance against authoritarianism

10 Years on From Rana Plaza Collapse: Fighting Transnational Corporations Is a Pressing Task
Video produced by Friends of the Earth and statement by the World March of Women provide a critique of corporate power