Demilitarization Great Peace March, an International Action in Africa in 2010 09/29/23Capire The experience and lessons drawn from the closing event of the 3rd International Action of the World March of Women
Movement Solidarity Quilt, an Internationalist Feminist Experience in 2005 09/15/23Capire The story of the feminist quilt that traveled across countries and continents with women’s artwork and messages
Feminist economy Feminist School in Honduras: Action, Reflection, Alliance, Trust 09/02/23Capire International Feminist Organizing School (IFOS) brought together more than 100 women from the Americas for a special edition
Movement 26th of July and Cuban Rebelliousness: An Account by Haydée Santamaría 07/26/23Capire The actions before the revolution in Cuba from the perspective of a woman fighter
Autonomy Sarah Spatz, Infierno Warrior 07/12/23Luciana Alfaro Luciana Alfaro looks back on the story of struggle of Sarah Spatz, a transgender migrant militant with the housing movement in the Spanish state
Environmental justice Exchanging Wisdom-Knowledge and Experiences of Struggle for the Forests 07/07/23Capire Militants of the World Rainforest Movement and the World March of Women share their reflections
Movement Feminist Education and Youth Organizing in the Dominican Republic 07/05/23Daniela Javier Daniela Javier, of the peasant women’s organization CONAMUCA, shares creative experiences to politically organize communities
Movement #JujuyResists: Down With the Reform, For Rights and the Whipala 06/26/23Alicia Raquel Coca Read activist Alicia Coca’s account on the intense grassroots mobilizations happening in Argentinian province
Autonomy Cleone Santos: A Life of Struggles for a World Free of Patriarchy 06/15/23Capire Read and watch the Brazilian feminist militant who fought prostitution
Environmental justice Philippines: Resisting Climate Change, Building Alternatives 05/22/23By Jean Enriquez The experiences and proposals of feminist and community struggles in face of climate change