Movement Doing Grassroots Feminist Communication, Facing Digital Capitalism 03/28/23Tica Moreno Tica Moreno presents the principles and practices of grassroots feminist communication based on Capire’s experiences
Feminist economy Movement Sally Burch: “Digital Data Should Be Owned by the Community that Generates It” 08/08/22By Capire Journalist Sally Burch gives interview on the challenges and achievements of the agenda for the democratization of the internet
Movement Community-based Communications in Cuba: Experiences of Liberation 07/21/22By Marilys Zayas Read the contribution of Marilys Zayas to the discussion on grassroots feminist communication strategies
Movement Urgent consideration rights: the people from Uruguay must not endorse neoliberalism 03/18/22By Radio Mundo Real Uruguay promotes a popular referendum to decide whether to partially repeal a law passed in record time and that affects fundamental rights
Environmental justice Movement To Expand the Conversation on Grassroots Communications 12/20/21By Azul Cordo, Mercedes Eguiluz, and Valentina Machado It takes multiple voices to make grassroots communications happen. An e-book provides experiences of women from seven countries in the Americas.
Movement The Right to Communication in Chile: A Fundamental Task for Democracy and Grassroots Achievements 12/13/21By Rocío Alorda To challenge the right in the elections, we must fight misinformation and hatred