Movement The Peoples of the World Against Wars and Genocides 12/21/24Capire How Popular Movements Are Calling Out Imperialist Tactics at the G20 Summit
Demilitarization Palestine Women From All Over the World in the Struggle for Free Palestine 10/11/24Capire World March of Women militants demand the end of the Palestinian genocide
Demilitarization Women From Haiti Facing New Imperialist Interference 04/25/24Capire Islanda Micherline addresses the challenges facing Haitian peasant women and their strategies for self-determination and people’s sovereignty
Movement Let Cuba Live!: Watch Video of Solidarity With the Cuban People 09/24/23Capire Feminist militants from Cuba and Latin America speak about the relevance of the island for the struggle on the continent
Environmental justice Food sovereignty Margaridas Marching in Latin America’s Largest Women’s Mobilization 08/24/23Capire Watch the video with scenes from the 2023 Margaridas’ March
Food sovereignty La Via Campesina Women in International Political Education: Watch 06/30/23Capire Video features what happened at the 1st La Via Campesina Women School held in March this year
Food sovereignty Food Sovereignty: A Feminist Struggle of the World March of Women 05/24/23By Capire Video looks back on the history of struggles for food sovereignty waged by the WMW as a political endeavor to defend common goods and territories
Environmental justice Movement 10 Years on From Rana Plaza Collapse: Fighting Transnational Corporations Is a Pressing Task 04/24/23Capire Video produced by Friends of the Earth and statement by the World March of Women provide a critique of corporate power
Demilitarization A Flag in the Sand: Sahrawi Women Building Sovereignty 02/17/23By Capire Video depicts the everyday lives and stories of women who live in Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria
Food sovereignty Women Building Food, Technological, and Energy Sovereignty 12/06/22By Capire Watch a video featuring reflections by militants of the World March of Women and ally movements