Feminism in Mozambique: For Land, Freedom, Sisterhood, and a Life Free of Violence
Nzira Deus exposes land encroachment and violence in Mozambique and shares feminist strategies toward organizing for change.

Continental Schools of Women: Strategy for Political Education and Feminist Struggle by La Via Campesina
The Continental Schools organized by La Via Campesina’s International Articulation of Women empower peasant popular feminism

Miriam Makeba, A Voice for African Women’s Struggles
This July 31st, African Women’s Day, we bring together statements by WMW militants from Africa about Miriam Makeba’s struggle and career

Corporate Capture of Africa’s Food Systems and Environment
Leonida Odongo denouces corporate power in African countries and shares grassroots alternatives based in agroecology

La Via Campesina Women in International Political Education: Watch
Video features what happened at the 1st La Via Campesina Women School held in March this year

Internationalist Feminism: Women’s Many Struggles Around the World
WMW militants in Africa and Asia reflect on the construction of feminism in their countries

Josie Mpama: Resistance to Apartheid in South Africa
A leader in the resistance to colonial oppression and the apartheid system, Josie was a key figure in women’s organizing in South Africa