Women From All Over the World in the Struggle for Free Palestine

11/10/2024 |


World March of Women militants demand the end of the Palestinian genocide

Unión Nacional de Mujeres Saharauis

For more than a year now, women around the world have been bringing their voices together and organizing an unremitting international and feminist struggle in defense of Palestine and against the ongoing genocide. Several grassroots movements from different territories have since been demanding an immediate ceasefire through street rallies, marches, demonstrations, protests, direct actions, and social media campaigns, relentlessly fighting for life in Gaza, Lebanon, and other countries in the Middle East. International solidarity with the Palestinian people includes denouncing imperialism, as the United States is a major ally of Israel in its actions in the region.

Marking one year of solidarity and resistance, Capire and the World March of Women share a video with statements by militants from Quebec, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, Senegal, Brazil, Iraq, Algeria, and Guatemala.

On October 1st, the office of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC), which is a member of the World March of Women (WMW), was vandalized and shut down. The militants who are part of the organization continue to struggle and resist arrests and persecution that is threatening their lives and the lives of their families. In an audio message sent on October 4th, the World March of Women militant in Palestine Abeer Abu Khdeir shared her testimony about the current situation and called for global solidarity to put an end to the Palestinian genocide right now. Read her statement below:

In Palestine the occupation continues its aggression on land, sea and air in the Gaza Strip for the day 364 day continuously, leaving tens of thousands of martyrs and hundreds of thousands of injured and missing people. The total damage of the attacks has increased to 41,788 martyrs up to now, and 96,794 injuries since the seventh of last October. Several victims are still under the rubble and on the roads that ambulance crews and civil defense cannot reach.

For a year, Gaza’s people go through a terror that cannot be described, as it has been subjected to continuous Zionist attacks that have resulted in the displacement of more than 1.9 million Palestinians.

Hospitals reek of blood, doctors are unable to save the lives of many women and children, and even now the Zionist occupation is closing the crossing gates, preventing aid from entering Gaza for a whole year. The occupation forces targeted all sectors: services and health, government and non-government sectors, especially the educational sector. More than 650 thousand students were taken the right to attend school for the second year.

More than 11,600 school-age children were targeted and martyred, and tens of thousands were deeply injured and traumatized. 750 teachers were martyred and hundreds were injured. The equivalent of 93% of schools and educational establishments were completely destroyed, and the rest is being used to shelter the refugees.

In Jerusalem, we reached the number of 8 Martyrs and 304 detainees. The number of detainees in the West Bank has reached 100. We witnessed the demolition of more than 154 houses, and the constant intrusion and violation into the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist occupation. In the West Bank, more than 1,344 attacks by settlers are recorded on Palestinian lands, from uprooting trees and attacking houses to burning farms and agriculture equipment. 

Palestinian prisoners are going through very difficult conditions of not having adequate food being provided, and being deprived of time out of the cells. They are subjected to constant harassment and beatings, especially the prisoners of the Gaza Strip, who are currently located in Sade Teman prison. They are subjected to the most heinous torture and rape by the occupation soldiers. In the West Bank, in the attacks on Jenin, Nablus, Salfit, and yesterday in Tulkarem where 20 martyrs were targeted by an explosive grenade, all this continuation of the martyrdom is beyond belief.

We launch an appeal to the whole world to stand collectively to stop the ongoing mass extermination against Palestinian people and the current attacks in Lebanon, and to stand against the attacks and brutal aggression that our people are been subjected.

Thank you.

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