Women Struggling for a World Without Borders

27/04/2022 |

By Capire

Watch an excerpt from a series of videos about the struggle for migrant women’s rights in France

The World March of Women Occitania (France), as part of the 5th International Action of the movement, published in 2021 a series of videos about the fight against violence, ecofeminism, the commodification of women’s bodies, and the criticism against borders. In Europe, the World March of Women is campaigning for women and LGBT migrants’ rights, along with dozens of other feminist organizations.

Capire selected and subtitled an excerpt from the video “For a World Without Borders” [Pour un monde sans frontières] with the stories of two migrant women who are exiled in France. The video was recorded during the demonstration Everyone To the Borders [Toutes aux frontières], in June 2021, in Nice, France. Salpy and Naaki share some of their experiences fleeing the consequences of war in their home countries. “No one leaves because they want to. Especially women who come from Africa, which is a magical continent, where every day is warm, where the soil is full of wonderful things, of everything the great of this world dream to have,” Naaki says.

Words by Bianca Pessoa
Edited by Helena Zelic
Translated from Portuguese by Aline Scátola

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