Capire is powered by many hands.
We can only produce our content because there is a network of activists around the world contributing with their voices and outlooks, analyses, experiences, and struggles. Our permanent work team counts on the power of feminist activism from international grassroots movements, as well as on the support of all the people who contribute to our existence. Every month, we need at least US$8,500 to keep our permanent writing, editing, translation, and design teams. All content is translated to and from and published in Spanish, French, English, and Portuguese, and we also publish one Arabic-language piece monthly.
To support and maintain Capire, we need the support of our community of readers and enthusiasts. We need your support! You can support Capire with a one-time donation or recurring donations. Below you can select the currency (real, dollar, or euro) in which you would like to make your contribution. You will be referred to the PayPal platform, where you can select how much you would like to donate and whether it is a one-time or recurring donation.
Before going to the donation page, we would like to know more about you. You can leave a message and include the name of your organization.