Movement Nana Aïcha: Unabated Struggle for Peace and Women’s Rights 02/21/25Capire Read a tribute to the World March of Women militant who passed away on August 9th, 2024
Movement Methodologies for Systematization and Synthesis: The Popular Feminist Political Subject 12/20/24Capire Experience of the International Feminist Organizing School (IFOS) in Developing a Mind Map on the Political Subject
Movement Organizing Feminist Political Proposals in the Americas: The Regional Meeting of the World March of Women 12/13/24Capire The November gathering sparked discussions on the movement's 2025 agenda
Movement Continental Schools of Women: Strategy for Political Education and Feminist Struggle by La Via Campesina 10/30/24Capire The Continental Schools organized by La Via Campesina’s International Articulation of Women empower peasant popular feminism
Movement “The Face of This Revolution is Female”: Venezuelan Feminists Resist the Imperialist Offensive 09/30/24ARG Medios and Capire Amid coup attempts and episodes of violence after election results, two feminist militants look into the Venezuelan political scenario today
Feminist economy Methodologies for Feminist Change 09/25/24Capire Militants from 26 countries met in Honduras for a new edition of the International Feminist Organizing School (IFOS)
Feminist economy Weaving Emancipatory Proposals: Women From the Americas Promoting Feminist Education 06/08/24Capire Organizations meet in Guatemala to prepare for a new edition of the School of Facilitators, to take place in August 2024
Movement Landless Women Building Free Territories: 40 Years of Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil 05/28/24 Lucineia Miranda de Freitas Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) celebrates 40 years of struggle tackling gender-based violence in rural areas
Feminist economy Venezuelan Women, Feminism, and People Power Building 05/24/24Capire Women in Caracas are building alternatives for political participation, autonomy, and fighting violence
Demilitarization Palestine The Voices of Palestinian Women 03/30/24Capire On Palestinian Land Day, we publish denunciations by Palestinian women and echo their struggles for sovereignty and self-determination